Sunday, October 7, 2007

Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising - Perpetual Entertainment

This was the first professional project I worked on. I started as an Intern level designer, but quickly gained responsibility designing eight square kilometers of public MMO space, the starting experience, and one instanced dungeon.

Caere Bay
I reworked the layout of this level when I took over the design for it.  The version I took over was flat with little elevation changes and long sight lines.  I decided to raise the terrain to make it more dramatic.  With the help of the quest writers reworked the whole narrative experience.

The Dunes of Chamars
Took this level over at an early greybox stage and needed a lot of work.  I took what was already done and built on top of that.  The level was missing visual landmarks and interesting places to go.

Island of Telchinos
Telchinos was the tutorial level that I completely reworked to be a more enjoyable and narratively sound experience.  

The Ruins of Chamars
Instanced Dungeon I designed from scratch. 

Venatrix Glades
Took over the design on this level.  Redesigned the main town area and rebuilt all the ai encounters.

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